
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Trip To Spencer Park

W.A.L.T Write an information report that informs the audience.

Success Criteria
I know I will be successful when….
  • I use an opening statement that explains the subject of the report.
  • The opening statement is followed by sentences that describe the event; what you saw, what you did, how you felt, what you learnt.
  • Each paragraph focuses on a different aspect of the topic; travelling, the beach, the lagoon walk, playground.
  • A general statement about the topic usually rounds off the report.

Trip to Spencer Park

Last week on Friday Ako Ngatahi went to Spencer Park, we went for a long walk we split into groups I was group 1e. There was about 150 people who went, we had an adventure on Friday, we went to the beach and we played on the playground.

I went to the lagoon walk first we saw all different birds there was a Tui. We stopped and had snack  there were horses there was a brown and white horse. We went up in the bird house I could see lots of birds and there were little huts in the lagoon.

Then my group went to the playground and South Hornby School. Was there and I saw some people who were in my netball team last year I went down the blue slide, and I went on the flying fox and climbed the red tower, it was so hot.

On the beach it was even hotter then the play ground the sand felt like fire we collect items I collected shells and some drift wood but we made a sand castle and I put all my items on it and then I left them.

Finally we went back to the playground and had lunch it was YUM! Then we had some fruit and we played and played and played until it was time to go. I went in Nature’s car with Lasa and Aisa and we listened to some music, then we got back to school. I was so tired.

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