
Friday, September 23, 2016

News article movie

This term it was sandpit term which means our class gets to pick what we want to do for the term, we all picked make movies. The first 3 weeks we were deciding what kind of movie we wanted to do I picked News. After we all now what we wanted to do we got into groups my group was Shannarnia, Anneleise, Faith and I then we made a script. With all the words and were we will stand to record then after that we made a story board then after that we started recording then once we had all the videos we would put them onto the iMac we were using a app could iMovie and then once we thought we were all done the teachers would come to see and if it was perfect they  upload it to you tube. 
Here is my movie so sit back and enjoy.

I really loved what we done this term. But maybe next time we can make one big one with the whole class, And I was really happy because I got it finished 2 days before the film festival.

News article

Friday, September 16, 2016

Film festival invitation

This term Ako Nghtahi have been working on movies here is a invitation. My group has created a show about Hornby News. I have been working with amazing people Anneleise, Faith and Shanarina they were great fun to work with. Also anyone can come the entry is free. It also has all the time and the location I will see you there.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Its time for home

Hi, if you are new to my blogging this is a story about a chimp that went up to space. We watched a video about a chimpanzee going into space. This is going to be my final draft so this will be the last time you see any more space chimp. what I did well was my proof reading and what I need to work on is my punctuation. I hope you enjoy my post and have a great day. 


At Hornby Primary school we have a school basket ball team. That will play every Friday I am also in it so last Friday we had a game and we won 30 to 4  so we have some pictures. Enjoy my post.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Sports day

Sports day

Today at Hornby Primary school the year 6 and 5 had a sports day. To celebrate the first day of spring we had lots of fun and lots of activities like. (Netball) We had hopes at different lathes so some close and some far and we had to shot it was hard. (Basketball) We had two teams at different sides of the hope and we had two get it in at different stages. (Gutter ball) We had a triangle box in the middle and tennis balls we had to hit the triangle box and it would come back to us and if you catch it you have to move back. (Tennis) It was just like regular tennis. (Volley ball) It was hard when I severed I had a red mark but it was fun.

(Dodge ball) We had the Two people who were in and whoever hits you become the person in. In these activities we had two show values and these are all them. Honesty, Invalidity, Excellent, Kindness, Respect and
Self management. Here is a video enjoy.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Maths DLO term 3 week 6


Workout my 6,7 Times tables and 8 from my 5 time tables.

This week I learnt how to solve my 6 ,7 and 8 times tables. By using my fives I was great full I got the DLO done before I went to lunch. Hope you enjoy my video. Have a great day