
Friday, September 23, 2016

News article movie

This term it was sandpit term which means our class gets to pick what we want to do for the term, we all picked make movies. The first 3 weeks we were deciding what kind of movie we wanted to do I picked News. After we all now what we wanted to do we got into groups my group was Shannarnia, Anneleise, Faith and I then we made a script. With all the words and were we will stand to record then after that we made a story board then after that we started recording then once we had all the videos we would put them onto the iMac we were using a app could iMovie and then once we thought we were all done the teachers would come to see and if it was perfect they  upload it to you tube. 
Here is my movie so sit back and enjoy.

I really loved what we done this term. But maybe next time we can make one big one with the whole class, And I was really happy because I got it finished 2 days before the film festival.

News article

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mikayla, I think that it was a great video. It shows so much detail I think that you could've done better in the video quality. It was cool how you added the little things like weather report. It was a great video.


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